Press Release
TransparAll, an all-new retail concept created for the era of responsible consumption, has launched its e-commerce platform that will deliver across the Middle East and Sweden.
Built in collaboration with the award-winning Swedish Calculator 2030, TransparAll allows consumers to understand the carbon footprint of each product they are looking to purchase, helping them make more informed decisions about their shopping habits.
In a world-first, TransparAll allows its shoppers to offset their carbon footprint where they can donate a 100% of their carbon footprint to environmental charities like the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), the IUCN (International Union for Conversation) and Vi-Skogen.
I projektet har Converdiant kravställt och projektlett e-handelslösningen (Shopify), tillsammans med byrån Star Republic har en unik e-handelslösning lanserats där kunden uppmärksammas om den faktiska klimatpåverkan som respektive produkt har på miljön. Utöver att tydligt visa mängden kg C02e som de olika stegen till en levererad produkt står för, ges även möjligheten för konsumenten att till 100% klimatkompensera sitt projekt genom utvalda samarbetspartners. För vidare utveckling av webbplatsen arbetar Converdiant och Star Republic med löpande förbättring av webbplatsen genom rigorös dataanalys och tekniskt know-how,
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The Swedish Impact Store by TransparAll – Coming soon to Expo2020 Dubai
Join us on our journey as an official sponsor and partner to the major world expo in Dubai (Expo 2020 Dubai) which opens its doors in October 2021. We look forward to showcasing exciting Swedish brands in the Swedish pavilion, where we have a commitment to operate both the physical store on-site and an online shop. We will meet leading companies and entrepreneurs from all over the world to look at tomorrow’s innovation, sustainability, and environmental thinking.
The purpose of Sweden’s participation is to strengthen a comprehensive and positive image of Sweden and our attractiveness for tourism and investment abroad, by, among other things, promoting Sweden as a nation of knowledge and the competitiveness of our business community.
The large World Expo is expected to reach up to 25 million visitors, of which one million are expected to visit the Swedish pavilion. Together through collaboration, we can all find new collaborations, contacts, and business!